Church Activities

In addition to our regular Sunday worship service at 10:45am, as a church we enjoy some other regular activities together:

We Love Mondays!

Every Monday afternoon from 10:00am to 12:00noon, our church hall is open for use by everyone in the community for coffee, cake and company. This is a time and place to “drop in” and enjoy free coffee or tea, cake, and usually some biscuits or other goodies too. There is wi-fi available, and board games, and usually newspapers, well as some friendly church members who would be happy to listen to, talk with, or pray for you.

Coffee, Chat and Technology

Every Tuesday from 1:30pm to 3:30pm, our church hall is a place to drop in and get a free cup of coffee or tea, and often biscuits or other goodies too.

This is also a great time to ask any tech questions you may have. We have folks, some who have been in the computing industry for decades, who are happy to answer technical questions, from the simple to the complicated. If you have a smartphone, or tablet, or laptop computer and want help with something relating to it, please bring it with you, along with any passwords that could help.

Note: we are not trying to be (or replace) a PC or phone shop! We’re doing this (free of charge) because we see so may folks who would like to make better use of their digital devices, but just need a little extra help to do that, or to solve a specific issue or problem they have run into. Young or old, if that sounds like you, do drop in and we’ll do our best to help!

Bible Study and Prayer Time

We are meeting together in the church hall on Wednesdays at 6:30pm to around 8pm for group bible study and prayer together. All who want to discover more about our Christian faith, or would like to pray with us, or be prayed for, are very welcome.

Our initial few weeks of bible studies were on the theme of “What does it mean to be Chosen?”, based on Season 1 of the popular television series The Chosen, about the life of Jesus, focusing on Isaiah 43 and drawing from other parts of the Bible too.

Our current study (in August 2023) is based on the book of 1 Peter, on the theme of Confidence in a Complex World.